Respect, calm & kindness are contagious... A quick update from Jeff & Di

During these times of uncertainty it is even more important to be kind to yourselves and to others.

Most of us know that viruses are contagious, but so too are the emotional states of panic, fear and hysteria.

Fortunately, calm, love, kindness and joy fall into the same contagion category, so let’s choose wisely which emotional state we cultivate.

Yoga can help to maintain emotional stability and increase immunity and that is one of the reasons we will continue to offer classes for the immediate future.

Sirsasana relieves stress and removes toxins… we can all use a bit of that right now!

Sirsasana relieves stress and removes toxins… we can all use a bit of that right now!

Your yoga space

Unlike some other yoga spaces that have multiple uses and are unregulated, the space at Noosa Yoga Centre is dedicated to the practice of yoga and is limited in use. For that reason and also due to the products we use, we are confident we can maintain a level of hygiene to adequately minimise the risk of infection. 

We are, however, making a few changes which we hope you will embrace:

Yoga classes

  • We are reducing the maximum number of students in each class to 8, which, based on the size of the studio, is in line with government guidelines for ‘social distancing’.

  • There will be no ‘hands-on’ adjustments for the foreseeable future.

Hand sanitiser

  • We encourage everyone to wash their hands thoroughly before coming to class and require everyone to use the hand sanitiser provided before entering the yoga studio.


  • We understand that not everybody has their own mat but if you do, please bring it to use.

  • If you use a studio mat, please clean it with the solution provided both before and after use.


  • Please bring a large towel to cover the blankets and bolsters when using them.

  • Chairs will be cleaned after use with the same solution as the mats.

Stay home if sick!!

  • This goes without saying but we are going to say it anyway.

  • Please do not attend classes if you are suffering from a cold or any flu-like symptoms.

  • Please do not attend classes if you have been exposed to anyone who is required to self isolate.

Be kind & respectful

  • Not all coughs are the same. Some yoga poses such as Sarvangasana and Setu Bandha may cause you to cough when you release from the pose. Just because the student next to you coughs doesn’t mean you’ll catch anything.

Change is the only constant

  • We are observing the advise of medical officers and government mandates. This will change. We will change as and when this advice changes.

  • In the meantime we are looking at the possibility of offering live, online classes should we be required, or feel the need to, close the studio. We will let you know more about this soon.

It’s fine to stay home

  • We all need to make our own choices about this situation and we respect whatever choice that may be.

  • If you are more comfortable practicing at home, then that is what will be best for you. If you feel you need some guidance in that area we may be able to help. Contact us if you would like some help or guidance.

Yoga teaches us to cure what need not be endured and to endure that which cannot be cured.
— BKS Iyengar